BUSH: Not that interested in the Federal Marriage Amendment.

I hate to say “I told you so,” but — Oh, who am I kidding? Like every other blogger, I love to say “I told you so!” — well, I did:

William Kelly objects that Bush’s support for the Federal Marriage Amendment isn’t “vague.” He’s right. A better term would be “lukewarm.” He’s said he’s for it, but he hasn’t exactly pushed it. Kind of like, to pick one of my issues, his support for a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, which was equally pro forma. In both cases, I think he’s wrong, and he’s pandering — to different constituencies, of course — but it’s awfully weak pandering, and thus not worth getting too excited about.

And so it is, and so it was.

UPDATE: Rand Simberg is doing the I-told-you-so dance on the assault weapons ban.

ANOTHER UPDATE: On the other hand, a contrary view here: “I just see it as waiting for the right time.”