I HAD HOPED that the hatemail would fade after the election, but that hasn’t been entirely the case. Andrew Sullivan posts an example that, I’m sorry to say, invokes my name — and misspells it. Sigh.

UPDATE: Actually, I think that Zephyr Teachout wins the “hate-filled missives of the week” award, with the comments to this post from angry Deaniacs. Excerpt: “I would not walk across the street to piss in your mouth if you were dying of thirst. Your are the most wretched scum I have ever seen. I remember meeting you in Iowa & thinking that you were not only harsh to look at but so full of yourself that you will probably always be single.” It gets worse, but it sounds to me as if the writer probably hasn’t experienced a lot of love himself.

Tim Blair observes: “These people seem unusually upset. Perhaps Canada rejected their immigration applications.” I don’t think that’s the problem with Sullivan’s hatemailer, though.