TO BE FAIR, LESTER HOLT HAS BEEN FIGHTING THE TRUTH FOR A WHILE: Liberal Media Scream: Lester Holt fights truth that police are where crime is.

This week’s Liberal Media Scream features a rare case of a news source pushing back against the bias of a big-shot news host, this time NBC anchor Lester Holt’s view that minorities are targeted by biased police.

Doing the pushing back was former President Donald Trump’s attorney general, William Barr, who challenged Holt’s positive view of Black Lives Matter and rejected the liberal statement that police are racists. . . .

In a special about Barr, who is pitching his new book, One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney, the former attorney general was his typical matter-of-fact self, stopping Holt dead in his tracks when he said, “Black men are the subject of three times as many traffic stops by police.”

Barr responded, “That sometimes is a function of where the police are. Police go where the crime is.”

Plus: “Since it happens so rarely, it’s great to see an interviewee press back in real time against the loaded liberal premise pushed by a star TV journalist. Holt seemed baffled that someone wouldn’t see the world through his liberal prism, where America is racist and police enforce that racism, and thus Black Lives Matter should be treated as a heroic cause.”