LEFTISTS ALWAYS REGARD LEFTIST TACTICS AS INDECENT WHEN USED AGAINST LEFTISTS: Michelle Wu seeks to ban protesters from demonstrating at her home in the early morning.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, whose home has been the scene of anti-vaccine mandate protests, is trying to ban protesters from demonstrating at her house in the early morning. . . .

“Boston has a strong legacy of activism, and it’s important to uphold and protect the ability to speak out and advocate fiercely to keep our democracy strong,” Wu said in a statement. “But in a moment of divided national politics, we can’t normalize the harassment and hate spilling over into our communities. Boston must model not only bold, urgent policies, but also inclusive, empowering politics.”

It’s always “harassment and hate” when it targets leftists, and “justified anger” and “mostly peaceful” when done by leftists. When the Obama crowd sent busloads of protesters to CEO homes during the financial crisis, Democrats lost the moral standing to complain about this stuff. Not that that will stop them.