HOW TO BLOG: Joe Carter has posted the latest in his series of posts on how to start a blog and get readers. However, I’d like to add a caveat to his “don’t bother Glenn” post. I don’t mind being bothered! But so often people send me email that says “I’ve started a new blog — check it out!” and when I do check it out there’s not much beyond an introductory post. As Eugene Volokh says, sell the post, not the blog. I love to hear about new blogs, and I love to call attention to them. But it works best when there’s an interesting post about a currently hot topic. Sometimes I’ll link to a specialty blog in an interesting area (e.g., nanotechnology) just because of its subject matter. But generally it’s the post that’s linkworthy. That’s how I feel, anyway, and I think it’s how most other bloggers feel.