NOTE TO THE NEW YORK TIMES: “Democratic Underground” is, as reported, often loony. It is not, however, a blog. It is a bulletin board.

Is the NYT going out of its way to try to make blogs look bad, or are their reporters just that clueless?

UPDATE: James Joyner notes more problems with Big Media reporting on blogs.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Rand Simberg emails:

During Rathergate, many of the MSM stories were calling Free Republic a blog as well, and “Buckhead,” (who kicked the whole thing off there) a blogger. Given their abysmal performance in so many other areas of knowledge, my vote is for clueless, with the making-blogs-look-bad thingie as virtuous side effect.

Good point. Perhaps to some, “blog” is a synonym for “things on the Internet that we don’t read or understand, but feel compelled to write about.”

MORE: The Times dissed Wizbang (which is, at least, a blog), too. Wizbang’s response is here. And in another post, Wizbang observes: “In the last 90 days Wizbang has been mentioned by the AP, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. In every story -including the one that focused on how errors are corrected in the blogosphere- the big media outlet made significant errors of fact.” Get used to it, guys . . . .