WHAT RACISM LOOKS LIKE: WaPo Describes Justice Thomas: “the Black justice whose rulings often resemble the thinking of White conservatives.”

The Washington Post wrote the emphasized portion. You know, Justice Thomas, the black justice who thinks like a white person. The Washington Post called Justice Thomas an Oreo. And that statement isn’t even accurate! The Court’s white conservatives issue rulings that often resemble those of Justice Thomas. Thomas is the intellectual leader of the Court’s conservative wing. And he has been for decades. Gorsuch, Alito, and the rest are just trying to keep up with CT. But once again, we get the racist trope that Thomas is Scalia’s clone. Just the opposite. Scalia often remarked that Thomas pushed him to the right. What lazy writing from the Post.

It’s not so much lazy as deliberately dishonest. Plus:

Discourse about race is upside and backwards. Racially-tinted sentiments about progressives are grounds for immediate cancellation. Racially-charged attacks about conservatives are offered as objective facts in a newspaper of record.

This article brings to mind an exchange between Justice Thomas and then-Senator Biden more than three decades ago.

Say, it would be interesting to see Thomas and Biden debate the constitution today, wouldn’t it?

And why does Nina Totenberg hate Judge Michelle Childs? “If only Michael Avenatti was free to help out.”