UPDATE: John Hinderaker: Smearing the Truckers. Despite all their talk over past decades, nothing scares the left more than a working-class revolt. My advice to the working class: If they don’t treat you with respect, stop working until they do. You’re less dispensible than any bureaucrat or associate dean.

“When I first saw the cartoon, I literally did not understand it. Someone had to explain that the Post’s cartoonist is calling the truckers who are demonstrating on behalf of freedom fascists. Freedom is slavery, after all. Liberals have hoped for the protest to turn violent, but it hasn’t happened, as the New York Times grudgingly acknowledges.”

Plus: “Liberals always try to imply that if someone draws a swastika it means that person is pro-Nazi. Actually, it means (in this context, at least) that the person is accusing the Canadian government of using Nazi-like tactics. I don’t agree, but let’s not smear the protesters by inverting the intent behind their signs.”


The Times story includes a video of the protest that I can’t embed here. You see hundreds, maybe thousands of Canadian flags. No Confederate flags that I could spot. No swastikas. No “far right” emblems that I recognized. Just a sea of Canadian flags. But misrepresenting the right is the principal business of the left.

The press is making a big deal out of the fact that Justin Trudeau and his family were moved from their residence as a precaution. I have no problem with that, although given the total lack of violence–you might have thought they were expecting a George Floyd riot–it was an unnecessary precaution. But I would note that there was no similar outpouring of press angst when the Secret Service moved President Trump and his family out of the White House during a violent George Floyd riot. The AP headlined, “Trump took shelter in White House bunker as protests raged.” But there was no sign of sympathy or concern about the propriety of the protesters’ violence.

The press takes sides when it comes to protests, violence, and pretty much everything else, even as it pretends to stand for decency.

ANOTHER UPDATE: From the comments: “The US and Canadian governments are more upset about this peaceful protest than they were from BLM street shutdowns (and looting, arson, and assault)…in fact, they’re more upset by this than by some terror attacks.”

They show you what they really care about, and what they’re really afraid of.