ALL OF OUR INSTITUTIONS HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED: ‘Where Are the Jews?’: Scandal Erupts at the Academy Museum. “It’s sort of like building a museum dedicated to Renaissance painting, and ignoring the Italians. . . . You left the museum with the impression that the film industry was created 10 years ago. They erased the past. And I find it appalling.”


But some feel that the damage has already been done.

“By not including the founding fathers out of the gate, they were making a massive statement,” says Triller CEO and Academy member Ryan Kavanaugh. “As the grandson of Holocaust survivors, it’s just shocking that they erased the contributions of a group who faced severe anti-Semitism — they couldn’t get bank loans, they couldn’t own homes in L.A., and yet they still created this industry that is the bedrock of the L.A. economy and touches people around the world. Instead of, ‘Look at what what they were able to do,’ it’s just wiped out. It goes against everything that our industry says they stand for.”

Why the museum made such a polarizing move is a matter of debate and intrigue. Sources say a small contingent of influential Academy members pushed hard for nonwhite cinema to be highlighted and white contributions to be de-emphasized. A review of the exhibits would seem to support this notion. Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki, for example, received a retrospective, while there was no similar treatment for the genre’s godfather, Walt Disney.

Woke politics involves erasing those deemed undesirable, which certainly includes Jews.