STEPHEN BAINBRIDGE notes that CNN’s Alan Wastler can’t seem to count. He’s claiming daily traffic totals of 34,000 for DailyKos, 80,000 for all of Typepad, and 325,000 for all of Blogspot.

What is this guy smoking? Back when I was on Blogspot I was running a third of that all by myself — and by these numbers, InstaPundit would be getting more traffic than all the Blogspot blogs put together. Hmm. Maybe he’s just trying to make InstaPundit look really good, but this is absurd.

UPDATE: N.Z. Bear looks at the CNN methodology: “I gather that comScore is coming up with their figures by using a panel of web users and surveying their surfing habits, then extrapolating that behavior to the web universe as a whole.”

Sounds like exit polling. Hey, that couldn’t be wrong. . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Hmm, CNN has a rather dubious history regarding numbers and the blogosphere. It’s like they’re trying to talk down their competition or something. . . .