NOW, SEE, THIS POST-ELECTION RALLY IN SAN FRANCISCO isn’t laying a good foundation for a Democratic comeback.

The Democrats are going to have to distance themselves from stuff like this, if they want to carry swing states.

UPDATE: A reader sends this quote, allegedy from Napoleon: “when your enemy is making a very serious mistake, don’t be impolite and disturb him.”

Well, yeah, but while I don’t feel especially good about that guy with the sign, he’s not actually my enemy. And certainly the Democrats overall aren’t. I’d much rather see the Democratic Party as a viable and sensible competitor to the Republicans than as a marginalized regional party based around some safe congressional seats in urban areas. And that’s where it’s headed, I’m afraid, if stuff like this catches on.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Not in the same league as the above, but this Joan Baez minstrel show doesn’t bode well.