PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW WHAT I THINK ABOUT 2008 ALREADY: Give me a break. But here goes, just to stop the emails:

Dems: Everybody expects Hillary to run. I think the nomination is probably hers if she wants it — if Edwards can beat her in the primaries I’d be surprised. But he’ll try. Will Kerry run again? I think the close election and his nicely done concession speech keep that option open. What he’ll have to do, if he wants to, is to take on some serious high-profile national security stuff and look strong doing it. I’m guessing he’ll choose windsurfing instead, but I could be wrong.

Repubs: McCain is obvious, but his biggest base of support is in the press. I don’t think he’ll run. Cheney won’t run, in fact I doubt he’ll finish the term. My favorite scenario: Cheney steps down, Condi Rice becomes VP, and runs in 2008. Long-shot, but I’ll keep pumping it. Beyond that, well, I’m not sure. Arnold would win in 2008, I think, but he can’t run and I don’t think that they’ll amend the constitution for him.

By the way, if we’re amending things we should make Senators ineligible for the Presidency. They seldom win anyway, so it’s no loss — and keeping Senators from thinking about running for President would probably improve the Senate immeasurably . . . .