FIGHT THE POWER: Students relaunch conservative paper at Harvard to promote ‘independent and contrarian thought.’

A group of undergraduates at Harvard University recently revived a publication to rectify what they describe as a scarcity of conservative and political thought on campus.

The Salient was originally founded as a “moderate to conservative” paper at Harvard in 1981, according to a report at the time.

Its folding in the early 2010s left a lack of thought challenging the predominant talking points on campus, and the newly returned Salient aims to resolve that.

“The drying up of discourse has been an inevitable effect of the end of the lone opposition paper; in the place of debate and intellectual exchange there is only the continual repetition of political maxims grown stale with the years, of truism and tautologies untested by disagreement,” its November 2021 general introduction reads.

It adds that there is also a “marked dearth, not only of conservative thought, but of political thought in general.”

Harvard student Jacob Cremers, spokesperson for the Salient, said in an email to The College Fix on Nov. 30 that the revival of the paper is meant “to fill the vacuum and to encourage diversity of opinion on Harvard’s campus.”

Well, Harvard could use some of that. Conservative thought, political thought, you know, thought in general.