Two polls released last week found that more people perceive the media tilting coverage in favor of Kerry than Bush. Gallup determined that 35 percent think coverage has tilted toward Kerry compared to just 16 percent who said it favored Bush. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press discovered that “half of voters (50 percent) say most newspaper and TV reporters would prefer to see John Kerry win the election, compared with just 22 percent who think that most journalists are pulling for George Bush.”

As I said: “People have noticed.”

UPDATE: A journalist reader emails:

In case you’re curious, journalists at the major metropolitan newspaper where I work in the Midwest (except for the silent, tiny minority) are giddily confident of a Kerry victory, based on “their faith in the American people” and “everything we’ve tried to do.” The city they cover straddles two red states that went Bush in 2000 and will do the same in 2004.

“Everything we’ve tried to do.” Indeed.