DEBATE CHEATING? Drudge has video.

UPDATE: Meanwhile, this ought to be against the rules.

ANOTHER UPDATE: I should note that the cheating story was originally broken by INDCJournal and The Daily Recycler.


MORE: Jim Geraghty doesn’t think it matters: “The predictable explosion of enthusiasm for Kerry and the optimism about his chances in the mainstream media will not be interrupted by a mere breaking of the debate rules.”

Not just predictable, I should note, but predicted. Meanwhile, reader Barry Dauphin sends a list. Click “read more” to read it.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Here’s a report that it was just a pen.

MORE: INDCJournal says it’s a pen, too, and adds: “The debate rules were violated in letter, but not intent, and any charges of cheating against the Kerry campaign are undeserved and inaccurate.”

10 Best Guesses as to what Kerry pulled out of his pocket.

10. Good luck note from Dan Rather.
9. Original Killian memo–on WordPerfect!
8. Directions to Cambodian Christmas party.
7. John Edwards’ billable hours on campaign trail.
6. Appointment slip for next Botox treatment.
5. French to English dictionary.
4. Lucky CIA hat!
3. Commitment papers for Theresa.
2. Leaves of Grass.
1. One way ticket to Boston!!!!

I’m going with number 4.