MAPES TO BURKETT TO LOCKHART? Power Line wonders what’s going on.

Meanwhile there’s this new development:

FORT WORTH, Texas – (KRT) – The son of a late commander in the Texas Air National Guard said Monday that CBS owes his family an apology for airing documents – now believed to be false – that purportedly were of his father criticizing President Bush’s service as a young man in the Guard. . . .

Gary Killian, a Houston businessman who once served in the Guard with his father, said he initially questioned the validity of parts of the memos, then later became convinced they were all fakes.

Killian said he is angry with both CBS and Burkett.

“Do I take it personally? Yes,” he said, adding: “I think, first of all, CBS and Dan Rather owe my deceased father and my family an apology.”

For starters.

UPDATE: Hugh Hewitt:

Wow. A senior Kerry aide phoning the forgery-passer at the request of CBS? CBS is advising the Kerry campaign? And the Kerry campaign is following the advice? Fire them all.

My guess is that Kerry won’t be meeting with reporters tomorrow either.

Somebody should ask him about all this.

ANOTHER UPDATE: More on CBS/Kerry Campaign collusion here.

Shouldn’t CBS just register as a 527 and have done with it?