I’M WATCHING KEITH OLBERMANN ON MSNBC talking about blogs being “infiltrated.” Boy is he clueless and behind the times. First, Hugh Hewitt already wrote about this stuff in the Weekly Standard months ago. Second, it’s rather convenient that this issue only comes up elsewhere now, when Big Media’s looking bad and is obviously in bed with a campaign, rather than back when David Brock’s operation was busy hiring lefty bloggers. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that — but there is something wrong with not noticing it while making a big deal about a chatboard post on FreeRepublic that, shockingly, comes from a Republican.)

Olbermann is really an embarrassment here — not least because he seems to think that you need to have some sort of specialized insider information to notice something as unbelievably obvious as the CBS document forgery. Maybe if you’re Olbermann, you do. . . .

UPDATE: Ernest Miller has related thoughts.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Here’s someone else who was watching.

And Patterico has thoughts on transparency and reciprocity.

MORE: Reader Wayne Seibert emails: “Why should you care about Olbermann – you have 3x as many viewers as he does.” Heh.

And a few readers think I’m “brave” to criticize MSNBC when I write for them. If you knew how little they pay me, you’d think less of my courage — but in fact, I made clear up-front that signing up with them wasn’t going to change my blogging, and they had no problem with that.