PLAME UPDATE: Roger Simon is asking “what did Joe Wilson know, and when did he know it?”

You know, I think I’m posting more on the Plame story these days than some of the bloggers who used to chide me for not paying enough attention to it.

UPDATE: Say, I don’t think I linked this story before, though, regarding the much-maligned Scooter Libby: “Fitzgerald had focused on Libby as the possible leaker of Plame’s name and identity, but the new subpoenas to Time suggest he may be rethinking that theory. Four reporters have now testified at Libby’s urging that he did not disclose Plame’s name or identity to them. Pincus is one of those who answered questions about Libby, he said in his statement. Both he and Cooper said they did so with Libby’s approval, and both said that their conversations with Libby did not touch on the identity of Wilson’s wife.”