HAVING HAD IT WITH RATHERGATE for the moment, and since the post-Ivan weather here is magnificent. I took off for the mountains today and just got back. That leaves me a bit behind the curve at the moment. But here’s Rather’s statement, and I have to agree with those who think it’s not enough.

I want to know where the documents came from, and I want to know why Rather isn’t more interested in getting to the bottom of all that — and in telling us what happened. If he’s not willing to do that, he should resign. Or be fired.

Hugh Hewitt writes:

Rather’s statement is a pathetic attempt to save face, a “limited, modified hang-out,” a contingent apology that contains nothing of remorse or any promise of reform much less of resignation.

Jim Geraghty has much more — just keep scrolling.

Meanwhile, John Ellis is advising Mary Mapes: “Call your lawyer immediately. DO NOT, under any circumstances, allow CBS counsel to represent your interests.”