NAVY: Kerry’s medals properly approved. This report says that there was nothing wrong with the approval process where Kerry’s medals were concerned. That doesn’t explain his claim of a nonexistent “V” on his Silver Star, and it doesn’t get at the underlying facts, but it’s probably enough to put this issue to bed. But as I’ve said before, it’s a distraction anyway.

Beldar has much more on this.

UPDATE: Tom Maguire, as is his wont, notes something that I missed:

This latest AP story demonstrates that the Navy has military records for John Kerry that have not been disclosed. John Kerry promised to fully disclose his military records in an appearance with Tim Russert, and claims that he has fulfilled that pledge. However, he has refused to sign the Form 180 authorizing the Navy to release files protected by his privacy rights so that his claim can be independently verified. We now have compelling new evidence that his file has not been fully disclosed.

Read the whole thing.