EVERYTHING WENT FINE, but I don’t want to be blogging under the influence, so serious blogging will have to wait. But don’t miss this piece on UNScam, and the links between oil-for-food money and Osama.

And note still more trouble for Dan Rather:

ABC News has just within the last 15 minutes or so posted an exclusive report based on exclusive interview with Col. Walter Staudt, the retired former brigadier general of the Texas Air National Guard. ABC News reports that Staudt is refuting CBS News’ assertions (based on those now-infamous forged documents) that Staudt pressured others in the TANG to help cover for George W. Bush during his stint in the TANG. Staudt also says Bush didn’t get preferential treatment to get into the TANG, and nobody pressured him to accept Bush into the Guard.

Pajama-wearers might want to read these thoughts from Jim Geraghty. And then read this post. Back later.