IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’VE MISSED THE THREAD of the “RatherGate” CBS forged-memo story, this report from The Scotsman provides a useful roundup. Pajamas are mentioned, though they’re spelled “pyjamas.”

Also, today’s Marketplace radio show from PRI has a nice piece on blogs and RatherGate. (You’ll have to stream the whole show, as they don’t break out individual segments like NPR. It starts at about 12:30 into the broadcast.) Pajamas are mentioned there, too.

UPDATE: Ah, you can find the link to the individual story on this page. Or just click here. (Thanks to reader Dave Shardell). It’s worth a listen.

And Hugh Hewitt writes on what happens when you don’t defend the brand. “Didn’t anyone at Viacom or CBS go to HBS?” He contrasts the RatherGate experience with the famous story of how Johnson & Johnson responded to the Tylenol scare.