HERE’S SOME HELPFUL ADVICE FOR CBS: “A source lies to you, and you find it out, you burn him. Period.”

(Via Tom Maguire, who has lots of interesting stuff.)

UPDATE: Still no promised CBS statement. A reader emails:

CBS is buying time with this stonewall tactic. I think that THEY’RE TRYING TO FORGE THE FORGERIES. They know that the presentation of mechanically produced exact replicas will weld their case against Bush.

I’m very afraid that some company with linotype capability is working on this right now. If these “forged forgeries” show up who would be left to denounce them but a bunch of right-wing lunatics in pajamas?

Or am I overly suspicious?

I’d think so. But then, just a couple of weeks ago I would have thought it unthinkable that CBs would go ahead with obviously forged documents.

But, honestly, I don’t think anyone’s going to take any suddenly discovered new evidence from CBS very seriously. It’s clear that they went ahead with reckless disregard for obvious problems with the Killian letters, and as Beldar notes: “Nothing — not even Lt. George W. Bush using TANG aircraft to traffic in cocaine sales to minors — could justify what CBS News has done.”

Is CBS waiting for Ivan to change the subject? I don’t think that will work.