I’M SUPPOSED TO BE ON PAULA ZAHN’S (CNN) SHOW tonight about 8:40 Eastern.

UPDATE: Not bad. A bit short. What struck me most was listening to Seymour Hersh tout his new book in an earlier segment. Short version: He doesn’t think Rumsfeld, Cheney, et al., knew about Abu Ghraib. He thinks Iraq’s going badly but doesn’t think Kerry has much of a plan. He can’t say that there’s a coverup, but he’d like the DoD to come clean and reveal whether there’s a coverup.

Pretty thin gruel.

Listened? Yeah. As usual, I had no monitor, so I couldn’t see the show. Just an earpiece that wanted to slip out, and a camera to stare into. The picture to the right is one I took when I was on CNN a while back, but the view hasn’t changed.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Dang, just found out that I was a replacement for John Hinderaker of Power Line. That’s the first I knew about it, and it’s too bad, as Power Line deserves the lion’s share of blogosphere credit on this story, and certainly more than InstaPundit. But here (via Double Toothpicks) is a transcript of Power Liner Scott Johnson’s appearance on Brit Hume’s Special Report.

MORE: The Daily Recycler has video of Scott Johnson’s appearance on Brit Hume’s show. And here’s video of Little Green Footballs being plugged on O’Reilly. And here’s video of me on CNN.

Meanwhile, Hinderaker adds: “Actually, I think I may have been bumped by Wonkette, who was also on the show, for no apparent reason, except that she looks better than me. Of course, she also looks better than Glenn, not to mention the Free Republic guy.”

She’s very pretty, in a well-scrubbed, maternal sort of way. I, on the other hand, hardly ever scare dogs.