JOHN FUND thinks that CBS will come to regret Jonathan Klein’s unfortunate pajamas remark. But I don’t! It’s provided a weekend of amusement for the blogosphere. Fund hits the nail on the head:

A defensive Dan Rather went on the air Friday to complain of what he called a “counterattack” from “partisan political operatives.” In reality, traditional journalism now has a new set of watchdogs in the “blogosphere.” In the words of blogger Mickey Kaus, they can trade information and publicize it “fast enough to have real-world consequences.” Sure, blogs can be transmission belts for errors, vicious gossip and last-minute disinformation efforts. But they can also correct themselves almost instantaneously–in sharp contrast with CBS’s stonewalling.


UPDATE: Heh: “Welcome to Jammie Nation, where Dan Rather gets his ass kicked by guys in pajamas.” Which just makes the whole thing more embarrassing for him, really.