I REMAIN DEEPLY SKEPTICAL of the Kerry/China money-laundering story, but it does seem to be getting some major-media attention. Funny that they’d pay attention to this while ignoring the Cambodia story.

UPDATE: Jeff Jarvis seems unhappy with this post. In the earlier post, linked above, I explain why I don’t think this story is particularly credible at this point. In Jeff’s post, on the other hand, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, where the story appeared, is simply denounced as a right-wing crackpot paper. (I do think, though, that it’s a major-media outlet. It’s a major metropolitan paper. So it’s “major-media” attention, though not — as Jeff makes it by omitting the hyphen — “major media attention.”) Lots of people are emailing me with this stuff, and I do think it’s worth pointing out, as I did, why I think it’s not very persuasive at this point.

I also think that it’s interesting that the exploding of the Kerry Christmas-in-Cambodia story — which the Kerry campaign has admitted is false — has gotten so little attention, and that it would be ironic if this story, which I think is probably bogus, got more. Perhaps Jeff would prefer for me to simply not mention any stories that reflect badly on Kerry, even to pooh-pooh them. I don’t think I’ll oblige, and I think that Jeff would do better to explain why he regards information as not credible (as I did in my earlier post on the China story), rather than resorting to name-calling.