TIM BLAIR has a lengthy review of Zell Miller’s speech. Excerpt:

Actually, compared to the themes routinely hauled up by the anti-Bushites – Hail to the Thief, Halliburton, Bush Lied, Bush Knew, BusHitler, etc. – Miller’s speech was an exercise in elegant restraint. Maybe Zell should’ve punched it up a little.

No, I think his measured approach was best. Meanwhile Ralph Peters reviews Kerry’s American Legion speech.

UPDATE: Ann Althouse wonders why talking-head types are calling Zell Miller’s speech a personal attack, when it wasn’t personal. It was just business:

The Kerry campaign and the various people who support it, like Matthews, spend a lot of time expressing outrage that their opponents are fighting hard. But it is a political fight. Fight back! Don’t whine that it’s somehow unfair for Miller to point to your record. Defend your record. Presumably, you’ve got arguments. If you don’t, you deserve to lose.

Indeed. Virginia Postrel has some additional observations about Zell.