DICK CHENEY: After the almost preacher-like delivery of Zell Miller, Cheney comes across as very quiet. Interesting strategy, letting a Democrat stoke the fires and a Republican bank them. “How can you call us warmongers? Did you hear Zell Miller? He’s a Democrat, you know.”

The crowd applauded when Cheney said we honor Kerry for his Vietnam service. It also applauded when Cheney took a negative view of Kerry’s post-Vietnam activity.

“We have already been attacked.” Good line.

Also: “There is a difference between leading a coalition of many nations, and seeking the permission of a few.”

“Senator Kerry says he sees two Americas. And that makes the whole thing mutual — America sees two John Kerrys.”

I liked the hair joke. Text here.

Ratherbiased has images of the protester who tried to disrupt things.

Last word goes to Ann Althouse: “He lays it out. And you can take it or leave it. He’s not doing the twist. He’s Dick Cheney.”