Fight for Schools seeks to remove six Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) board members. Prior says they have enough signatures to remove at least two. Loudoun Times-Mirror also mentioned in another article the other School Board members “include Chairwoman Brenda Sheridan (Sterling District), Vice Chairwoman Atoosa Reaser (Algonkian District), Denise Corbo (At-Large) and Ian Serotkin (Blue Ridge District). School Board member Leslee King, who represented the Broad Run District and was targeted for removal, died [in early September] due to complications from heart surgery.”

Barts was removed from her committee duties early in the summer because her online Facebook activism targeted dissenting parents in the community. She had allegedly asked members in her group to target, harass and even hack parents who disagreed with her stance on Critical Race Theory.

According to the Daily Wire, Barts and member Jen Morse instigated online activity through a Facebook group, whose members included Loudoun County educators, to infiltrate the anti-CRT parents in the Virginia suburb.

UncoverDC spoke in June with many of the parents who were fighting CRT in the schools. Several parents said the attacks by the Barts’ social media group were vicious and personal. Some parents were doxxed and were afraid for their children and families.

The regular prosecutor, Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj (D), was held to have a conflict of interest.

Punch back twice as hard. And, as the lefties like to say, the process is the punishment.