JEFF JARVIS has a link-rich McGreevey resignation roundup.

UPDATE: Gayblogger BoiFromTroi has thoughts on McGreevey:

Why is it that when a straight politician is in an adulterous affair *ahem* Bill Clinton, for example…it is is just “private matter”? If McGreevy thought plain old adultery (or even being sued for it) were grounds for resignation alone, he would have called for President Clinton’s. Is Governor McGreevy trying to tell us that Gays are unfit to serve in public office? That is certainly the message he’s sending!

P.S. Anyone find it funny McGreevy’s campaign theme was “Straight Talk”?

Plus many more humorous observations and links.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Tim Cavanaugh is soliciting conspiracy theories.

MORE: “Excuse the expression, but screw Obama. This was the speech of the year. . . . He sort of makes me want to go gay, too.”

MORE STILL: Slantpoint offers a history, with links.