MY PRAISE FOR KERRY ON STEM CELLS has generated several hundred emails, which I haven’t had a chance to digest. But a few points:

1. If you believe an embryo is a human life, I can see why you think research on embryonic stem cells is wrong. I don’t believe that. [There goes your shot at a Bush judicial appointment! — Ed. It was already gone.]

2. I actually think that eventually adult stem cells will do all the work. But I don’t know that, and ruling out research involving embryonic stem cells now might keep us from getting to that point, or get us there much later.

3. I realize that Kerry overdraws the effect of the Bush “ban” — which is really a limitation on federal funding — but in fact the funding limitation is very harsh, and it’s also harder to get private money for research the feds won’t fund.

4. I also realize that stem cell research won’t cure Alzheimer’s tomorrow, or whatever, and is oversold by the likes of Ron Reagan, Jr. But it looks pretty promising, and I don’t think we should drag our feet. (I also note that the scientific optimism of the “adult stem cells will do everything” crowd fits poorly with the “stem cells won’t do anything” position).

I’ll try to do something more detailed on this, but I’m actually pretty busy on a law review article at the moment, so no promises.

I think Kerry’s right on this one. If I trusted him on the war, which I don’t, it might be a deciding issue for me.