KURT SCHLICHTER: Send This Incompetent Brass a Message: Don’t Enlist. “Don’t enlist or recommend others enlist, not until there is a real change in the collective mind of the military leadership that indicates that they have learned their lesson. But words cannot be enough – we need to see the same kind of massive convulsion and reform that we saw after the last Democrat/Pentagon betrayal in Vietnam. My generation of officers learned from the guys who rebuilt a ruined military, torn by careerism, lethargy, internal dissension, and the incorporation of society’s low standards in an effort to entice recruits with bribes instead of offering the rigors of service. During the Gulf War, I watched those reformers move a half million Americans (including me and my heavily armed carwash platoon) halfway around the world to the middle of a desert and then sweep an entire national army off the battlefield in 100 hours. But that was 30 years ago. This year, I watched our military bumble our way out of a disaster of our own making, leaving behind our citizens and our credibility while bringing home 13 heroes in metal cases.”

Plus: “Who has been fired for this fiasco? Well, there was that Marine lieutenant colonel fired for pointing out no one had been held accountable. No one else. Enough. If Milley and Austin are in, keep your kids out. They need to learn.”