I DON’T SUPPORT THE DRUG WAR, especially when we’re busy with terrorists, and one of my complaints with the Bush Administration is that they’re wasting too much time chasing pot when we should be concentrating on dangerous people. So this is no great comfort:

Despite the Bush Administration’s harsh stances on marijuana and drug law reform, it seems as though a Kerry Administration may be little better, and very possibly worse. If well-known drug warriors are to be believed, a Kerry Administration may actually be more interested in taking out Mary Jane and her admirers than Bin Laden and his.

Dang. No comfort there.

UPDATE: Jeralyn Merritt says that Kerry is better than that. I hope she’s right!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Meanwhile reader Mark Stockwell offers an observation that’s depressing all around:

It has long occurred to me that the same actions that make this country safer from terror should also have an effect on the supply of illegal drugs. Stronger borders, much closer watch on cargo, closer examination of illegal money flows; all these behaviors should result in fewer illegal drugs. I suspect that until the price of street drugs goes way up, we can know that we haven’t gotten serious about terror.

I’m not sure this is right, but it makes sense.