ON SUNDAYS I DO MY BOOK PROMO FOR MOSTLY INDIE WRITERS: Book Promo And Vignettes by Luke, Mary Catelli and ‘Nother Mike.

And there’s a vignette writing thing.

Also, apparently some of you haven’t seen my announcement that my appearances here will be less than my normal 5 or 6 nights a week (though I’m going to try really hard for that) until about mid-September. We’re in the middle of a move across states, and getting the house in Denver ready to sell. This has involved epic drives every weekend (one of them with me cradling a glass table top, in the backseat of a van…. I mean, things to tell the grandkids about, right?) and trying to get work done on the house we’re hoping to sell in a labor shortage, which is translating into “We do it ourselves.” Fortunately we’re handy, but since we also are trying to do our regular jobs at the same time, it makes for very long days. Tonight I think I scared the grocery store cashier by having a full (and irritated) monologue with a stack of plastic bags that refused to open….  Sigh.

This too shall pass. Likely, like a kidney stone.