WILSON-LIED MEDIA SPIN UPDATE: The New York Times initiates another quasi-rowback with this story on the Niger / Uranium flap. But look at the headline, and note what’s left out. Or read Tom Maguire’s discussion of the Times coverage, and non-coverage:

Some of Mr. Wilson’s credibility problems are cited. However, the Times remains sphinx-like on the Senate report finding, undisputed by Mr. Wilson, that the Ambassador gave “misleading information” in anonymous leaks to the Washington Post and by extension, Nick Kristof of the NY Times. They also mention that Mr. Wilson’s credibility is challenged by the news that his report to the CIA included information about an Iraqi trade delegation, but they fail to mention that Mr. Wilson omitted this key fact from his famous NY Times op-ed, and they slide past the fact that George Tenet disputed this part of the Wilson op-ed a year ago.

We also note that the Times gives one sentence to the Senate finding that Wilson lied about his wife’s involvement, and four sentences to Wilson’s response, thereby giving space to Wilson to rebut a case the Times never presents. Bah.

Read the whole thing. You’d think they were more interested in swinging the election than reporting the news, or something.

UPDATE: Powerline notes that the Kerry campaign has a Joe Wilson problem. (“Apparently Kerry not only was too busy to receive a briefing on terrorism, he was also too busy to read the Senate Intelligence Committee report.”) Somebody should ask them about this. I wonder if anyone will.