NORM GERAS notes that another anti-war pundit has admitted she hoped for failure in Iraq, regardless of the cost to Iraqis. (“I am ashamed to admit that there have been times when I wanted more chaos, more shocks, more disorder to teach our side a lesson. On Monday I found myself again hoping that this handover proves a failure because it has been orchestrated by the Americans.”) But at least Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has the grace to be ashamed.

Fortunately, Iraqis — even Iraqis interviewed by the BBC — seem to think it has all been worth it. Even Iraqi communists are praising Paul Bremer. Will Western pundits follow this lead? . . .

UPDATE: Interesting observations from the pro-liberation lefties at Harry’s Place: “There really isn’t any kind of sensible response to barely-contained nihilism like this. So I’ll tiptoe away and leave Ms. Alibhai-Brown to struggle with her anti-American demons, once again shaking my head at what her segment of the Left has come to represent.”

It would be nice, wouldn’t it, to see these folks wishing to see the other side taught a lesson now and then?

MORE: More discussion here.