JAMES LILEKS has an interesting take on this Disney wartime DVD set. It almost makes me wish I’d brought it to the beach. But in fact we haven’t watched any of the videos we brought — non-swimming and non-fishing time has been filled with checkers, Monopoly, and — best of all — sitting on the porch talking. The DVDs won’t come out unless the weather turns sour.

If you’ve been trying to reach me by email, well, don’t hold your breath for a reply. I’ve only been online at all because the InstaWife keeps checking her email and her film website daily. And based on my cursory look, the blogosphere seems to be doing just fine without me. See you later!

UPDATE: Major John Tammes emails from Bagram, Afghanistan:

Please take your vacation. I mean TAKE YOUR VACATION. Stop posting – I thought Lileks had set you straight, Mr. Not A Public Utility. I want you to come back rested and refreshed. See you in a week…

When people are emailing you from a war zone to tell you to take it easy, well, it can’t be good. . . .