UNSCAM UPDATE: The finger-pointing begins:

The former head of the United Nations’ oil-for-food program in Iraq says the Security Council prevented him from effectively administering the multibillion-dollar-a-year program that is now the focus of several inquiries into allegations of corruption and mismanagement. . . .

Mr. Sevan did not explain in his e-mail message how the Security Council had hampered him from effectively administering the sprawling program. But diplomats and United Nations officials said it was what one called “common knowledge” that member states were ignoring the widespread complaints about kickbacks and payoffs by Saddam Hussein’s government so that their companies could continue being part of the lucrative program.

Read the whole thing. He also slams unnamed “pundits” for giving him a hard time.

UPDATE: Roger Simon is deeply unimpressed. “Now let me get this straight. Because Chalabi is probably guilty of various shenanigans, Mr. Sevan and his cronies at the UN did nothing wrong. Grade in logic: F. Blame Canada?…. No, blame Chalabi!”