People are catching on: Black parents abandon public schools.. “The largest increase in homeschoolers was especially notable among minority groups, including black and Hispanic learners. In African American households, the proportion of homeschooling quintupled from 3.3% in spring 2020, to 16.1% in fall 2020. In Hispanic households, the number of homeschooling households doubled in the same time, from 6.2% to 12.1%.”

They probably don’t want their kids to be taught racist twaddle instead of math and reading.

Also related: The Dumbing Down of American Education. “School systems are ditching advanced courses and are revising standards downward. All parents should be mortified. The school systems say these actions are to increase diversity implying that black and Hispanic kids are too dumb to achieve at a high level. However, many charter schools demonstrate otherwise, [with] minorities achieving in advanced math and learning Latin. There are well documented methods of instruction that can dramatically raise the reading levels of low achieving students. Such have met resistance in the public education industrial complex. Instead of adopting these methods the schools are instead moving to teach to the lowest possible denominator.”