HITCHENS ON HERSH: Worth reading. Meanwhile reader Doug Jordan is angry at The New Yorker:

Cancelled it tonight. After subscribing for most of the last 20 years, and with two years to run. Hendrik Hertzberg is too heavy a price to pay on a weekly basis.

And I will not support a magazine that takes glee in blowing that which, by its own account, has a been successful US black program. That is, assuming that the piece is true.

To echo your theme: whose side are they on?

Whatever side will hurt Bush, apparently.

Meanwhile, this piece on Hersh’s track record points out that he’s been wrong — and always in a way that was damaging to America — before. Remember the “faltering ground campaign against Saddam Hussein” (March 31, 2003). Or the similar report on how we were losing in Afghanistan, just before we won in Afghanistan?