LAST WEEK, I linked to an old photo of Doug Weinstein. Now he returns the favor with an even older one of me. (And if you follow the link on the second photo, you can see me in the background, at the soundboard of the old Longbranch Saloon on Cumberland Ave. It was a Peavey, as I recall, featuring 12 channels. Which, judging by my appearance in that photo, is also my age at the time. . . .)

UPDATE: Heh. Here’s another one of Doug. And, by the way, here’s a lesson in life: the woman I’m sitting with in the picture Doug links, who I was dating at the time, is also the woman through whom I met my wife. Be nice to your girlfriends, and your ex-girlfriends. It pays!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Scott Kent emails: “OMG, that second pic of Doug you posted (he’s wearing the Mork suspenders), his nose and beard make him look like Pete Townshend, circa 1973!”

In other respects, he’s more like Keith Moon.