A GOOD IDEA, which I’m embarrassed not to have remembered. Reader Ann Salisbury emails:
Back during the time of the terrorist bombing in Bali you publicized someone’s idea (I forgot whose) to send flowers to the Australian consulate/embassy to express sympathy and support. I’m sorry to say that now we should do the same for the Spanish. Would you mind helping to publicize the message?
Done. Here’s the Spanish Embassy’s address: 2375 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. – Washington, D.C. 20037.
The Embassy phone number, which you’ll need to enter for Internet orders (I used 1800flowers.com) is 202.452.0100.
UPDATE: From the Spanish Embassy:
The Embassy of Spain convenes a silent demonstration tomorrow, Friday, March 12th, to express its outrage for today’s terrorist attack perpetrated in Madrid, in which approximately 200 people have died and 900 have been injured.
The demonstration will take place at the Washington Circle (Pennsylvania Ave and 23rd St NW) at 12 am.
Please convey this information to others.
I presume by that they mean 12 noon. There’s also this, in an earlier email:
A book of condolences will be open at the Embassy (2375 Pennsylvania Ave NW) from 10 am to 2 pm today, Friday 12th and Monday 15th.
A funeral service for the victims will be held at St. Matthews Cathedral (1725 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington DC 20036) on Monday, March 15th, at 5:30 pm.
If any readers in the DC area are able to attend any of these events, please send me an account and photos if possible.
UPDATE: Here’s a list of Spanish consulates in the United States. If you’re in a big city, you might want to check and see if there’s one in your area.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Photos and firsthand reports from the Spanish Embassy demonstration, here.