JOHN MCCAIN ON A KERRY-MCCAIN TICKET: “Obviously I would entertain it.” Just remember, you heard it here first.

UPDATE: Here’s more on McCain as Veep from the Arizona Republic, here and here.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Bradley Pratt emails:

I’d vote for a Kerry/McCain ticket in an INSTANT. Otherwise, probably Bush.

Out-of-control spending, rising deficits, amending the constitution (!!!)… these are all troubling. But nothing is so important to me as our security, and a belief that our leaders are at least trying to do the best job possible in Iraq. Suddenly, with Kerry/McCain, I’m feeling pretty good about all of these things.

Er, well, it’s not all that likely to happen, you know. . . .

UPDATE: You know, I think this is actually a brilliant Republican stroke. Floating these rumors implicitly sets a high standard for Kerry — whoever he picks will now be compared to McCain, and fall short. And if McCain winds up Bush’s VP, well. . .