THE ANNENBERG CENTER’S FACTCHECK.ORG is fact-checking a bogus anti-Bush ad from MoveOn.

UPDATE: Of course, this just echoes what James Lileks said about the ads:

Heard some of the Soros-financed ad today, about Bush eliminating overtime. The ad made it sound as though he had signed an executive order that outlawed the practice of paying ANYONE any overtime EVER, which of course isn’t the case. It fits with the worldview of the intended audience, I guess – the people who think that once upon a time the United States strictly adhered to the Kyoto protocols, had legal gay marriage, and allowed overtime pay, and the President has undone these pillars of society one by one. Because he hates people, you know. He really wants to screw people over. That’s how you get reelected: wage unrelenting war against the electorate so they’ll vote for you in hopes that the beatings will slacken somewhat in the lame-duck term.

I don’t think that Soros is getting his money’s worth.