WINDS OF CHANGE has its war news roundup posted. Maybe the Kerry folks should be reading it!
They should also probably read this column on democracy in Iraq, by Austin Bay.
UPDATE: This column by Max Boot is worth reading. Excerpt:
Of course, the glad tidings shouldn’t be exaggerated. One reason why attacks on coalition soldiers are down is that, as Tuesday’s atrocities in Baghdad and Karbala demonstrate, terrorists are finding Iraqis an easier target. But although the terrorists can kill and maim, they cannot win public support. In the Sunni Triangle, where most of the violence is occurring, 21 imams issued a fatwa condemning “any act of violence against Iraqi state government workers, police and soldiers.” . . .
More bombs, both real and metaphorical, are certain to go off in the days ahead, but Iraq already has confounded many Western “progressives” who doubted that the Arab world could ever make progress.
It’s not over, but things are going much better than Kerry’s Vietnam-era rhetoric suggests. I agree with David Adesnik that he needs to be paying more attention.