READER MICHAEL HALPERT EMAILS: “Resolved: There is no significant downside, and nearly limitless upside, in Pres Bush’s replacement of Mr. Cheney with the lovely Ms. Rice. Please discuss.”

I was suggesting that a year ago. Nothing has changed my mind.

UPDATE: Reader Christopher Jefferson emails:

Oh good gosh, there’s a ton of upside to replacing Cheney with Rice.

Takes all the wind out of Kerry’s sails for one thing (not much wind there, btw. He lost seven points in the last week as the AWOL story solidified a previously wavering Republican base vote). Second, it forces Kerry to do something he doesn’ t want to do: put Hillary on the ticket.

Besides, Rice could be President in her sleep, if she had to.

She’s been a university Provost. That means she can handle any amount of bureaucratic infighting. . . .