BUT FEELING SUPERIOR TO “JOE CITIZEN” IS WHAT THEY AND THEIR VIEWERS NEED MOST: TV Pundits: Stop Beating Up Joe Citizen. “Every time a researcher or physician appears on television or is quoted in the newspaper about COVID-19, there is an opportunity to throw a punch. By that I mean, the speaker has the chance to direct attention where it might make a positive impact. They may use the forum to point out how we, as a society, can improve our collective response, which might make some in power uncomfortable. Too often, experts take this opportunity to punch down. They scold the public against meeting in person, and remind them, if they go out, wear a mask. On Twitter, the rhetoric gets heated, and slogans include: wear a damn mask and stay the f*** home. How we throw our punches matters.”

Like I said, talking down to people is their source of joy and self-importance.