MICKEY KAUS has a roundup of polls that make Bush look beatable. Well, he is. The big question is whether any of the Democrats can beat him.

This latest USA Today poll shows Bush at 60% approval, with 61% approval for his handling of the war, leading Robert Musil to think that Bush isn’t very beatable at all. I’m not so sure about that — everybody is beatable — but look at the Dean disapproval numbers in that USA Today poll: 39% unfavorable overall, against only 28% favorable! Ouch! Dean does better among Democrats, of course, but even there he’s 22% unfavorable. Are those all Clark supporters who’ll wind up backing whoever the party nominates? The Democrats had better hope so.

UPDATE: A Roger Simon prediction: “The Democratic Party nominee will be Wesley Clark.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: But here’s another endorsement for Dean!