WELL, ANDREA MITCHELL IS DUMB ENOUGHT TO ENTER A BATTLE OF WITS WITH TED CRUZ: How Dumb Are Reporters? “In short, by trying to match wits with Ted Cruz, Andrea Mitchell revealed herself as a person who knows little or nothing about either Shakespeare or Faulkner. That isn’t necessarily disgraceful, except that 1) she shouldn’t have picked a fight with a very smart guy from a position of ignorance, and 2) her fallback position, claiming to be a Faulkner scholar, made her look dumber than ever. Deservedly. This is all trivial, except for one fact: the politicians, reporters, writers, editors, ‘intellectuals,’ college professors and so on who try to intimidate you with their claim to be smarter and more knowledgeable than you, are, with only occasional exceptions, frauds.”

The really smart people — Richard Feynman, say, or Freeman Dyson — don’t waste time telling you how smart they are.