SORRY FOR THE SLOW START TODAY: I hung out with the InstaDaughter this morning and watched The Princess Bride on DVD, which I can report is an excellent movie to watch with your 8-year-old daughter.

Heck, it’s a great film to watch period. I loved it when it first came out, and it was, if anything, better than I remembered. It’s one of those rare items that succeeds at two levels — one for adults, another for kids. I also appreciated Peter Falk’s performance a lot more now than I did when I first saw the movie, many years ago and before I had read so many stories out loud myself.

Then I went running around Lakeshore Park, and then drove into the office, via Cherokee Boulevard. Lakeshore was nice, though the sun was just coming out. Cherokee, as if to mock me, was beautiful, as the sun has come out and made it a perfect early-fall day.

Now, despite superb weather outside, I’m hard at work, having read a bunch of resumes for the Appointments Committee, caught up on office-related email and snailmail, and am actually working on a writing project.

I’d rather be outdoors. Heck, I’d rather be indoors and blogging. But that’s life. Back later.